GHHF Bala Samskar Kendras – Students were taught about Sri Paramahamsa Rama Krishna, his life, his love for Kali Mata, meeting with Vivekananda and his last days

25 Feb 2023 1136 Views

Max Muller
"The fervent love of God, nay, the sense of complete absorption in Godhead, has nowhere found a stronger and more eloquent expression than in the utterances of Ramakrishna. They show the exalted nature of his faith. How deep he has seen into the mysteries of knowledge and love of God we see from his sayings... These utterances of Ramakrishna reveal to us not only his own thoughts, but the faith and hope of millions of human beings.
Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is very happy to inform that we have started more than 175 Bala Samskar Kendras (Schools for children and youth) to enrich them with greatness of Hindu Dharma and the appreciate the sacrifices many leaders have done to protect Bharat. There are many kings who have achieved to the new heights in their skills, talents and strength. Unfortunately, Bharath denies its history to their own children and glorified the most undeserving rulers. The government has corrupted the minds of young students since Independence from 1947. 

GHHF decided to  teach the real history of our country and present a truthful account of great Saints of Bharat. Our Bala Samskar teachers taught about Sri Paramahamsa Rama Krishna, his life, his love for Kali Mata, meeting with Vivekananda,  and his last days
Sri Ramakrishna was born on 18 February 1836 in the village of  Kamarpukur about sixty miles northwest of Kolkata. His parents, Kshudiram Chattopadhyaya and Chandramani Devi, were poor but very pious and virtuous. As a child, Ramakrishna (his childhood name was Gadadhar) was dearly loved by the villagers.
In 1855 the Kali Temple at Dakshineswar built by Rani Rasmani was consecrated and Ramkumar became the chief priest in that temple. When he died a few months later, Ramakrishna was appointed the priest. Ramakrishna developed intense devotion to Mother Kali and spent hours in loving adoration of her image.
Sri Ramakrishna’s God-intoxicated state alarmed his relatives in Kamarpukur and they got him married to Sarada Mani, a girl from the neighboring village of Jayrambati. Unaffected by the marriage, Sri Ramakrishna plunged into even more intense spiritual practices.
Worshipping His Wife
In 1872, his wife Sarada, now nineteen years old, came from the village to meet him. He received her cordially, and taught her how to attend to household duties and at the same time lead an intensely spiritual life. One night he worshipped her as the Divine Mother in his room at the Dakshineswar temple. Although Sarada continued to stay with him, they lived immaculately pure lives, and their marital relationship was purely spiritual
Meeting with Ramakrishna — "Have you seen God?"
In early 1882, Narendranath went to meet Ramakrishna at Dakshineswar. There too, without much ado, he directly asked Ramakrishna—
Sir, have you seen God?
Ramakrishna smiled calmly, and then promptly replied without any hesitation— 
Yes, I have seen God. I see Him as I see you here, only more clearly. God can be seen. One can talk to him. But who cares for God? People shed torrents of tears for their wives, children, wealth, and property, but who weeps for the vision of God? If one cries sincerely for God, one can surely see Him. 
Narendra was astounded. For the first time, he was face to face with a man who asserted that he had seen God. For the first time, in fact, he was hearing that God could be seen. He could feel that Ramakrishna's words were uttered from the depths of an inner experience. They could not be doubted. 
This was the first time Narendranath met someone who could declare so easily that he had seen God. It was a new experience for Narendranath. 
Mother Kali his visions and worship
He began to look upon the image of the goddess Kali as his mother and the mother of the universe. He became seized by a desire to have a vision of Kali—a direct realization of her reality—and believed the stone image to be living and breathing and taking food out of his hand. At times, he would weep bitterly and cry out loudly while worshiping, and would not be comforted, because he could not see his mother Kali as perfectly as he wished. At night, he would go into a nearby jungle and spend the entire night meditating on God, without any consciousness of even his clothes falling off. People became divided in their opinions—some held Ramakrishna to be mad, and some took him to be a great lover of God.
One day, he was so impatient to see Mother Kali that he decided to end his life. Seizing a sword hanging on the wall, he was about to strike himself with it, when he is reported to have seen light issuing from the deity in waves. Ramakrishna describes his first vision of Kali as follows:

I had a marvelous vision of the Mother, and fell down unconscious.…It was as if houses, doors, temples and everything else vanished altogether; as if there was nothing anywhere! And what I saw was an infinite shoreless sea of light; a sea that was consciousness. However far and in whatever direction I looked, I saw shining waves, one after another, coming towards me. 

… What was happening in the outside world I did not know; but within me there was a steady flow of undiluted bliss, altogether new, and I felt the presence of the Divine Mother. After the vision, Ramakrishna surrendered himself to Kali.
Last days – His message to Swami Vivekananda
During his last days, he was looked after by his disciples and Sarada Devi. Ramakrishna was advised by the doctors to keep the strictest silence, but ignoring the advise, he incessantly conversed with visitors. Before his death, it is reported that Ramakrishna said to Vivekananda, "Today I have given you my all and am now only a poor fakir, possessing nothing. By this power you will do immense good in the world and not until it is accomplished will you return to the absolute." It is reported that when Vivekananda, doubted Ramakrishna's claim of avatara, Ramakrishna said, "He who was Rama, He who was Krishna, He himself is now Ramakrishna in this body." During his final days, Ramakrishna asked Vivekananda to take care of other monastic disciples and asked them to looked upon Vivekananda as their leader.
Romain Rolland
"The man whose image I here evoke was the consummation of two thousand years of the spiritual life of three hundred million people. Although he has been dead forty years, his soul animates modern India. He was no hero of action like Gandhi, no genius in art or thought like Gandhi or Tagore. He was a little village Brahmin of Bengal whose outer life was set in a limited frame without striking incident, outside the social and political activity of the time. But his inner life embraced the whole multiplicity of men and Gods. It was a part of the very source of Energy, the Divine Shakti, of whom Vidyapati, the old poet of Mithila, and Ramprasad of Bengal sing."- 
We appreciate it if you can help in hiring more people who can go to these villages to do Ghar Waapasi. We have employed twenty people so far. More people we hire, more villages can be covered to welcome them back and also create Chaitanya (Awareness) among the students and villagers.
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