GHHF How Dr Anush Soloman Joy embraced Hindu Dharma? Listen to his amazing Transformation.

07 Feb 2024 491 Views

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation (GHHF) invites you to an incredible conversation with Dr. Joy on Sunday Feb 18th, 2024, at 930am Central / 9pm IST.

Please register here


Listen to how he became Ambassador of Sanatan Dharma, Human Welfare Activist.  The one and only SAT certified Asian doctor and Specialist in "Stem Cell Activation Therapy" which is currently one of the most advanced branches in Regenerative Medicine and Rehabilitation used for the revival of failing organs.

Dr. Joy is also the first Ex-Christian, who hails from a prominent family which claims to be the first Christian family in India as per the historical records and claims. Dr. Joy is also an author and orator, whose books and discourses are listened to and well appreciated all over the world. Dr. Joy is also a RSS Swayamsevak.

Since a decade he is actively involved in measures that are meant for integrating humankind and fostering global peace & progress based on the principles of eternal values (Sanatan Dharma) as reflected in the teachings "Vasudaiva Kutumbakam and "Loka Samastaa Sukhino Bhavantu" of Indian Vedic Spirituality.

Please register as soon as possible. His live speech can be accessed to only Registrants.

               Date: February 18, 2024 at 9:30 am US Central Time/ 9:00 pm India time.


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