“RSS is a Role model to me” says former Supreme Court Judge K T Thomas

13 Feb 2013 2880 Views

"Muslims should learn the lesson of mutual love, cooperation and organization from RSS". Dr. Zakir Hussain, Former President of India

It has become fashionable, reckless, mindless and irresponsible on the part of the government officials, secularists, media, communists, liberals and other religious people to criticize, blame, accuse and attribute any and all terrorist activities to Hindus and Hindu organizations such as RSS, VHP and BJP either for vote bank politics, maintaining control over political power, continuing deceptive conversion practices, appeasing the minorities with quotas for undeserving people, and so on. Any body, who is involved in making such slanderous, blatant, hateful, inflammatory statements should be condemned, prosecuted and punished appropriately.

The recent outburst by Home Minister Sri Sushilkumar Shinde in January 2013 that BJP and RSS are conducting terror-training camps and promoting “Hindu terrorism” should be denounced and considered offensive and hateful. It is a clear-cutexample of irresponsible statement, abuse of power and misuse of the position one occupies. Sri Shinde should provide evidence to show that they are promoting terrorism. He is not an illiterate, ordinary common man. He is the Home Minister. He cannot be a loose cannon to say something without evidence and reports from the intelligence agencies. He has total access to all the intelligence reports.

In a similar fashion, former Home Minister P. Chidambaram also made a comparable statement in August 2010 by saying that “there is the recently uncovered phenomenon of saffron terrorism that has been implicated in many bomb blasts of the past.”  On October 25, 2010, Uttar Pradesh Congress Committee Chief Rita Bahuguna Joshi made even more senseless, bizarre statement without any evidence:"I demand from the Centre and state governments to keep an eye on activities of RSS, which is involved in almost all the riots that took place in the country. If activities of this fundamentalist organization could not be controlled, it should be banned."So far neither Chidambaram nor Shinde was able to produce any evidence to justify their statements. Does it take nearly two and a half years to produce evidence? If there is evidence, it should not have taken this long. Obviously one might surmise that the government may be manufacturing the evidence and implicating the individuals falsely.

Some Christian writers like Frank Raj even said that Hindutva is even more dangerous than sharia law. Blinded by the obsession with deceptive conversion tactics to please their jealous God, and to go to the elusive heaven to carry the message of their God, they leave aside decency, morals, ethics, dignity and scruples and blame the innocent, honest, nonaggressive and peaceful Hindus.

Neither Hindus nor Hindu organizations have any interest in evangelizing the citizens by putting a cross on India as advocated by the Pope and no interest in terrorizing the people to dominate India, as is the case with Islamic Terrorists.  As former President, Sri Abdul Kalam, said that India has never invaded any other country for establishing its hegemony because the people of India respect the freedom and independence of others. Hindus never imposed their faith either though terror or deception.

It is an eye opener for any fair minded, rational, objective, logical and balanced person irrespective of religion, caste, creed or political affiliation to listen to Sri K T Thomas, a former Supreme Court Judge, a born Christian, a practicing Christian and a Church going Christian as to what he thinks of RSS. He observed and studied RSS from a distance for more than twenty years in order to be objective.

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation listened to the speech and transcribed most of his speech he had given in 2011, one year after P Chidambaram attributed terrorism to Hindu organizations and calling the as Saffron Terror.  Printed below is the speech by Sri K T Thomas on August 1, 2011.

YouTube link is provided for you to watch and listen to the honest, frank and truthful appraisal of RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) by K T Thomas:

Printed below is the speech -Transcribed and Condensed.

End smear campaign against RSS, says former SC judge Thomas

Aug 01,2011
Respected Guruji.

I deem it as areal honor and a privilege that I am invited to preside over this very highly venerated function – Guru Puja.  You know from my name I am a Christian. I was born as a Christian and practice in that religion. I am a church going Christian. My advantage is that I have also learnt many things about RSS. I developed an admiration toward this. It is a disciplined core of this country as early as 1979 (I came to know) when I was posted as Additional District Judge in Calicut. The Principal District Judge was I R Srinivas. We will agree that his honesty is 100 percent. His integrity is transfer. His scholarship is unparalleled. And commitment to this country is unquestioned. And above all, the disciplined life he followed was also admirable. On his retirement I took over. Immediately after his retirement he became a member of RSS.  We used to communicate and converse on many things. That occasion gave me the advantage of jettisoning many things, which the smearing and simmering propaganda made by interested persons outside about RSS would be eliminated in my mind. I became an admirer of this organization. I regard many things on the objectivity point of view. Prejudice is weakness of human being. Because, a human being is not prepared to believe a thing without objectivity.

When objectivity is applied to the smearing propaganda made earlier that RSS is responsible for the murder of Mahatma Gandhi appears to me to be unjust and uncharitable. I learned more about it.

Of course, the mere fact that an assassin happened be once upon a time a member of that organization cannot make a disciplined organization responsible for the murder of the Father of the Nation….  There should be objectivity in approaching these things.  Then, I went and read the judgment of Justice Khosla on the Mahatma Gandhi assassination. Then I learned that the learned Judge of Punjab, Justice Khosla completely exonerated RSS as having anything to do with the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. I say the smearing campaign must end in this country. Otherwise it will be really unjust on the part of any one.

I had an opportunity to travel with Sudarshanji from Chennai to my hometown. It was amazing to learn about his great scholarship and how he insisted on a simple living. And I found out that this is the hallmark of the members of this great organization, Simple living and High thinking. They used to exchange Christmas cards with a quotation from a Gospel of Bible and a precept from Bhagavad Gita. That gave me an opportunity to learn more and more about this organization.

The best test I had in my life about this organization is during the dark months of emergency when Indira Gandhi declared to suspend amajor portion of the constitution.  When the whole country was benumbed before whip swished by Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the only nonpolitical organization that worked fearlessly in subterranean sector, was RSS.  The result was that this great country of Bharath could get liberated from the pangs of a dictatorship. We owe very much to this organization for sacrificing many lives and many of the pleasures of life for the purpose of regaining what our leaders gained for this country, mainly the fundamental rights of this country. I am disturbed in seeing that for the sake of vote bank politics the security of the nation is sacrificed.

In Article 19 of the Constitution, there is a catalogue of freedoms listed for Indian people.But, every such freedom is restricted to the security of the nation.  In constitution, we are very insistent that primodality should be given to the security of the nation because we have to live in the state. I find many instances of official activities, governmental and political, where security is given less prominence than vote bank, I am really disturbed. That is a matter on which the country should stand unanimously and uniformly with strident voice and declare that we will not tolerate. Such a policy should be followed.  The propaganda that RSS is anti-minority is a baseless propaganda. After all, what is a minority? I have realized according to RSS, whatever religion you belong to, you must be a full patriot. Your faith is immaterial. Whichever faith you follow, only insistence for them is that you should not have extra territorial loyalties. I also realize that no one is entitled to tell somebody else that my religion is better than your religion and therefore abandon your religion and join my religion.No person, who has any knowledge of the fundamentals of his own religion, can say that. The basic percept of his own religion is that the other religion is not only equally important but multiplicity of religions some times is a gift of God to man kind because all religions have got weaknesses. In order to replenish the weakness of one’s religion, some benefits are given to another religion. Besides, a country where composite cultures have been created, faith is immaterial where your loyalty, your commitment and your patriotism should be given the most important thing (priority).

I have a different concept of minorityism.  On many platforms I received more brickbats than flowers on this aspect. Who is minority in this country?  Minority is discernible from article 29 of the Constitution where any section of India can be a minority. It can be based on culture, script, and language. Any section, which is suffering from any disadvantage, could be a minority provided they are numerically less. Faith wise, minority is recognized in the article 30 only for one limited purpose. That is for conducting educational institutions without stream roller majority rolling over that. If a person is able to read article 29 first, as a student of Constitution I will tell you it does not envisage minority based on religion or faith. Comes to article 29, this word religion is mentioned only with regard to educational institutions. I was a member of 11 judges bench Supreme Court trust which could not complete the argument in TMIP case. The point of view which emerged among the majority of judges that time was that the education envisaged in article 30 should only be for secular education not professional education. When we put it to Parimal (?), the great lawyer became angry and he said that is an aspect which has been concluded long long ago that the word education would cover much beyond secular education. Unfortunately our bench could not complete hearings and judgment could not be delivered. Many years later after my retirement, another bench was formed with 11 judges and there also Mr. Paliyer made the arguments; and finally the verdict came that education in article 30 is at any level. I am mentioning for another reason. That great lawyer has written an autobiography where in he confessed that his interpretation of education was a disaster for the whole country. I wanted to mention this at some august place. I have chosen this assembly for bringing to their notice that the education in article 30 even according to the great lawyer who pioneered this argument feels that it should be limited only to secular education.

In a big country like India, minority should have nothing to do with faith. Faith could be changed by any one. That is exactly what happened. When a medical college was started by Paliniappa Ground (?) in Tamil Nadu, he converted into Christianity because he could get more benefits.It should not happen in a secular country like ours.

In a secular republic, religion should not be your identity. Being an Indian shall be your identity. That is precisely what Zakir Hussain said when he became Rashtra Pathi Of India. When T V R Shenoy congratulated him by saying that that it is a great victory for Secularism, Zakir Hussain said,“In what way it is a victory.” Rashtra Pathi was smiling.  Shenoy asked, “why your are laughing.”  Zakir Hussain said,“I am smiling at the notion of your secularism.”  Then he said, “Secularism will be achieved only the day when you do not know my religion.”

My dear friends, take it for me secularism has nothing to do with religion in this country. You should not know my religion. In the same way I should not know your religion.

Whatever your faith may be, your primary commitment should be to this nation. In this matter, I very much admire. I am a great admirer of this organization (RSS). The discipline exhibited everywhere and the manner in which the flowers are offered, gave me the real impression that the discipline is given the real impetus to your working and performances. Discipline is needed for a nation. Discipline is a fundamental thing for the growth of the nation. Whichever nation has progressed, it is because of the discipline that has been inculcated in the citizens. In that matter, RSS is a model to me also.


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