[GHHF] Division of Ram Janmasthala is unacceptable; Build fitting Rama Temple; 2000 Hindu Temples converted to mosques be reclaimed

04 Oct 2010 2745 Views


GHHF welcomes the verdict delivered by Allahabad court of Lucknow Bench in a majority decision that  “disputed site” was the birthplace of Lord Rama. Ram was born at the spot and that his idol should remain there.  The court's observation that the "disputed structure cannot be treated as a mosque as it came into existence against the tenets of Muslims."  In its judgment court says that it was built over a destroyed temple.

Once the court decrees that the “disputed site” was the birthplace of Lord Rama, how can the Court say that the Ramjanma Bhumi land should be divided into three parts and distribute it to three groups? This unwarranted, unasked for verdict has to be challenged. This is not a fitting verdict by an esteemed court.

First of all the judgment is surprising, disappointing and astonishing because of the fact that none of the plaintiffs had asked for the division of the land into three parts. Clearly the court went beyond it’s jurisdiction. The decision is more of political nature to appease the Muslims than a legal, rational, logical decision based on the evidence.  This unprecedented ruling is going to pave the way for others to ask for legitimacy of occupying as many as 2000 Hindu Temples that were converted into masjids over the last few centuries including, Mathura, Taj Mahal, Kasi Temple, and other Masjids. Sri Sita Ram Goel’s book “Hindu Temples: What Happened to them?” and  Praful Goradia’s book “Hindu Masjids” should be eye openers for all Hindus and they should work to re-establish the true history of Bharat and rewrite the negated history; expose the concealed, contrived, manufactured and false history. (Links to both books are listed below)

If the Hindus are not on alert and do not defend their culture, the court’s decision can encourage the usurpation of Hindu Lands and Hindu Temples. It should be challenged on the ground that no plaintiff has asked for the division and also that the court went beyond it’s legal nature of the case. It should not take a political decision on the issues.

What the Allahabad High Court said is that “you grab Hindu lands and demolish Hindu Temple, we will legitimize it.” The court said we will follow the government policy of “you grab it, we regularize it.”  Can any body find the difference between the Court’s judgment and political appeasement?

Secularism in the constitution should be rooted out? Why? First of all no body is able to define it, not even the framers of the constitution. In the name of secularism, Hindus have been denied of their freedom, independence and liberty. In the words of Girilal Jain, who has written a seminal article in 1993, the framers of the constitution “pit secularism against Hinduism which is plainly absurd. Hindus do not need the imported concept of secularism in order to be able to show respect towards other faiths. That comes naturally to them. For theirs is an inclusive faith which provides for every form of religious experience and belief; there can be no heresy or kufr in Hinduism.”

GHHF fully supports Justice D. V. Sharma's opinion who disagreed with the decision of the majority that one-third of the disputed land should be given to Muslims for construction of a mosque. On the status of the disputed site e.g. inner and outer courtyards, Justice Sharma said that the "place of birth is a juristic person and is a deity. The spirit of divine ever remains present everywhere at all times for anyone to invoke in any shape or form in accordance with his own aspirations and it can be shapeless and formless … It is established that the property in suit is the site of Janm Bhumi of Ram Chandra Ji and Hindus in general had the right to worship Charan, Sita Rasoi, other idols and other objects of worship existed upon the property in suit. It is also established that Hindus have been worshipping the place in dispute as Janm Sthan i.e. a birthplace as deity and visiting it as a sacred place of pilgrimage as of right since time immemorial.”

The government, the media, the secularists, the marxists, and two other major religious groups bent on destroying the Hindu culture, demolishing Hindu Temples, abusing the Hindu Icons; maligning the Hindu leaders, and insulting the Hindu Gods and Goddesses, denying the freedom and liberty to all Hindus,  and allowing the burning of the flag of Bharata Mata openly. They are all conspirators to destroy Sanatana dharma and suffocate Bharata Mata.

Reacting to the verdict the honorable Home Minister P.  Chidambaram replying to a question on the demolition of Babri Masjid said, "That act was completely unacceptable and it was an act done by people who took law and order into their hands. That remains, in my view, a criminal act.”

Dear Mr. Chidambaram, would you also say that the acts that lead to the demolition and destruction of more than 2000 Hindu Temples that were converted into Masjids also Criminal Acts. Can you openly say it to the nation?  Is it possible for you to represent all the people of the country, instead of small segment of the nation?

Hindus have to be aroused to the images of Lord Rama as the ideal son, ideal husband, ideal father, and ideal ruler. If Hindus have to survive and enrich Bharata Mata, Hindus have to stand up for their rights, freedom and independence; stand firm to defend their culture, their monuments; stand ready to protect their Temples, temples lands, and images of their gods and goddesses; stand tall to defend spirituality that is Bharat; stand together to learn as well as teach our children about the grandeur and glory of our past – history, scriptures, sages, art, heritage, scientific advances, literature, Sanskrit etc.; and stand by our Hindu leaders both spiritual and political to ensure the justice for all, not just the minorities.

Now all Hindus should get united to build the most beautiful, magnificent, fitting and grand Temple at the birth place of Lord Rama on the entire land, not one-third of the disputed land. Hindus have to be assertive in exercising their god given right to defend, guard, and protect their Bharat Mata before it is too late. Jai Hind

1)    http://www.voi.org/books/htemples1/ch10.htm (Read Chapter 10 in Sita Ram Goel’s book; Hindu Temples: What happened to them?)

2)    http://www.janasangh.com/book.aspx?bid=2&gid=0&cid=40 (Praful Goradia’s book – Hindu Masjids)


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